Monday 15 October 2012

Questionnaire Analysis

I asked an equal amount of males to females as I am aiming my magazine to be a uni-sex magazine so it was important I got feedback from both genders. 

The majority of people I asked were around the same age as me as I do feel the music magazine I am aiming to create will mostly be aimed at teenagers, but I want it to be brought by a variety of ages which is why I asked people who weren't in the same age group as me so I had more of a variety of feedback.

I asked this question as it was important to find out if I was asking the right people who would be the sorts of people to buy the magazine. From this question I found a small percentage brought them on a regular basis which I feel is a positive result as It could mean there isn't a magazine people feel excited to buy on a regular basis.

This was another important part of the questionnaire as I needed to find out how many of the people I asked would be interested in the sort of magazine I would be creating. From the results there is a clear mixture of answers, but Rock/Heavy metal was one of the most popular genres.

I asked this question as although I feel my magazine is going to be unique from others that are already available magazines such as Rolling Stones, Kerrang and Classic Rock will influence my magazine so I feel people that already read those magazines will also appreciate mine.

For this question I gave options for the sorts of colour schemes I was already thinking about doing for my music magazine. Black and White turned out to be the most popular colour scheme people would like to see which I feel would fit in with my magazine as the bands that will be featured are older more classic Rock bands.

This was a crucial question that needed to be asked. As my magazine will mostly be aimed at teenagers I needed to know what they would be willing to pay.

From this question I can see that the people I 
questioned they aren't happy with the magazines offered at the moment. This is positive as it means a magazine such as mine is needed. 

I asked this question as a way to get more people to buy my magazine is to offer articles that they want to read. If the magazine isn't offering the sorts of articles that the readers want they could stop reading and go to another magazine which isn't what I want.

For this question I gave options for four different types of covers for magazines to see which the people I questioned preferred. Asking this means I know what kind of style customers find appealing as its the first thing they will see so its extremely important to the magazine. If the front cover isn't what readers want to see it could put them off the magazine which isn't what I want to happen.

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