Friday 26 October 2012

Draft for front page, contents and double page spread

This is a rough plan I am planning on using for my magazine. This shows how the front page, contents and double page spread will look. I feel from these rough drafts I have taken on the feedback from my questionnaire and other comments from the layouts and used this to design what my magazine is going to look like, this will help to make customers find my magazine appealing.

Prelim task evaluation

Monday 15 October 2012

Questionnaire Analysis

I asked an equal amount of males to females as I am aiming my magazine to be a uni-sex magazine so it was important I got feedback from both genders. 

The majority of people I asked were around the same age as me as I do feel the music magazine I am aiming to create will mostly be aimed at teenagers, but I want it to be brought by a variety of ages which is why I asked people who weren't in the same age group as me so I had more of a variety of feedback.

I asked this question as it was important to find out if I was asking the right people who would be the sorts of people to buy the magazine. From this question I found a small percentage brought them on a regular basis which I feel is a positive result as It could mean there isn't a magazine people feel excited to buy on a regular basis.

This was another important part of the questionnaire as I needed to find out how many of the people I asked would be interested in the sort of magazine I would be creating. From the results there is a clear mixture of answers, but Rock/Heavy metal was one of the most popular genres.

I asked this question as although I feel my magazine is going to be unique from others that are already available magazines such as Rolling Stones, Kerrang and Classic Rock will influence my magazine so I feel people that already read those magazines will also appreciate mine.

For this question I gave options for the sorts of colour schemes I was already thinking about doing for my music magazine. Black and White turned out to be the most popular colour scheme people would like to see which I feel would fit in with my magazine as the bands that will be featured are older more classic Rock bands.

This was a crucial question that needed to be asked. As my magazine will mostly be aimed at teenagers I needed to know what they would be willing to pay.

From this question I can see that the people I 
questioned they aren't happy with the magazines offered at the moment. This is positive as it means a magazine such as mine is needed. 

I asked this question as a way to get more people to buy my magazine is to offer articles that they want to read. If the magazine isn't offering the sorts of articles that the readers want they could stop reading and go to another magazine which isn't what I want.

For this question I gave options for four different types of covers for magazines to see which the people I questioned preferred. Asking this means I know what kind of style customers find appealing as its the first thing they will see so its extremely important to the magazine. If the front cover isn't what readers want to see it could put them off the magazine which isn't what I want to happen.

Friday 12 October 2012

Using photoshop to create my contents page

This shows how I created my contents page using photoshop. The only changes I made after using these tools shown on the right, is I finished adding the articles that would be featured within the magazine and creating a border around the words 'Contents Page' To separate the page out more. After using photoshop to create my front cover and contents page for the prelim task I feel more confident using photoshop which means I will find it an easier task when making my music magazine.

Prelim Task-Contents page

This is my finished contents page for the prelim task. As with some of the magazine front covers I have picked out a colour that is featured on some of the photographs to help build a colour scheme, I feel the blue works well on this contents page and I am pleased with how it has turned out. 

Friday 5 October 2012

Contents page textual analysis 5

Contents page textual analysis 4

Contents page textual analysis 3

Contents page textual analysis 2

Contents page textual analysis 1

Prelim cover photo editing tools

This pictures just shows how I edited the picture, as you can see all I did was change the levels and add some text to the picture to make it look more like the cover for a magazine.

Finished prelim cover photo

Here is the finished photo i'll be using for my prelim college magazine! Not much has been photoshopped apart from the lighting slightly. I feel the font and colour I've used is good against the background as it stands out well.

Prelim photoshoot

Just had to take a few more photos for the prelim task as It totally slipped my mind it had to be portrait! one thing I mustn't forget when I have to take pictures for the actual music magazine! :)

Mood board 2

This second mood board is to give me inspiration for colours, fonts and layouts for my magazine. It includes magazines that will be in competition of mine so that I know what bands are on demand to have on the front cover which will help me in making my decision of what bands to feature on the front of my magazine which will grab peoples attention.

Mood board 1

This first mood board shows the bands of the genre I have been looking at, this will give me ideas on what bands I should include within the magazine.

Textual analysis 5

Bass is a type of guitar used in most Rock bands. It creates a lower sound within the music, which gives more of a difference in pitches. The title of this magazine is in bold letters behind the image of the man, this could be because Bass guitars are usually in the background on music which is linking in with the main topic of the magazine. The man on the front of the magazine has facial hair, this gives us the impression that he's not into looking formal, smart as he's comfortable how he is. The man is also wearing a checkered shirt which isn't full done up which could be showing how his character is quite laid back/relaxed. The main image of the man also shows two guitars, this could be to show how experienced he is, that he isn't new to music. The writing around him is done in quite light colours which is unusual against a white background as it doesn't stand out as much but the image stands out alot, this could be giving the impression that he's different and stands out from the crowd instead of being the same as everyone else. The fact he's wearing darker clothes could be relating to his music, that it's more dark and emotional compared to pop music which is more upbeat which may be reflected in the artists clothes.

Textual analysis 4

Uncut is another magazine I wasn't aware of before researching different rock magazines but it focuses on the kind of genre of music I will be aiming my magazine at. The image of the man with the guitar is done in black and white which is not as common, it creates the impression that this man is a past legend or possibly doesn't do music for a full-time career anymore but is still respected enough to be on the front cover of this magazine or that he makes music that is of an older genre. The expression on his face gives the impression that this man is extremely passionate about what he does and can lose himself in music at times. The use of gold used on this magazine ties in with the fact its the magazines 40th anniversary special and gold represents being a winner which could show how proud they're for the magazine to have been going for 40 years. The word 'uncut' is put behind the musician, this could be to show the importance of the musician.

Textual analysis 3

Acoustic is a music magazine I hadn't really heard of before doing this task, it focuses on one type of guitar, acoustic which is a lighter sound and creates a less heavy type of music. The magazine of the title ‘Acoustic’ is simple and straight to the point. For the background of the magazine a gradient colour of blue has been used, so at the point where the colour is darkest at the top the white letters have been used. This creates the image of clouds which makes me think of the words; peaceful, calm which is what the magazine could be giving the idea that acoustic music is. Both of the men on the front cover are wearing glasses, I feel this gives the impression of both these men being intellectual and mature, which could be trying to show potential readers this magazine is targeted at an older market. From the clothes both men are wearing we can tell they aren't the typical  ‘business men’ they still look smart but add an edge such as one of the men is wearing a leather jacket which gives the image of him being more of a rocker than a typical mature man. The layout of this magazine is quite typical of a magazine. The main focus is the image and the words are placed round it, which might be trying to show how important they’re and how they're highly respected. Within the text an image of a rosette is used, this is the symbol to show that someone is a winner which may be how the magazine feels, that their magazine is an accomplishment.  

Textual analysis 2

Rolling Stones magazine is another popular music magazine. It contains articles and information about a variety of different artists. I feel like the title of the magazine doesn’t stand out as much as the first one on the magazine did. What stands out the most is the man wearing the hoodie. The hoodie creates an image of the man being dangerous, to be feared.  The stubble on his face gives the impression he isn’t clean-shaven; he isn’t trying to look perfect. The fact he has bits of grey within his stubble also gives us the impression that he isn't afraid of aging like some celebrities are, he doesn't mind growing old gracefully instead of trying to hide it. The expression on his face shows the reader how he is more of a serious person, possibly more mysterious as he isn't showing anything about his character. The image shows him with his hood slightly unzipped, this gives the impression that he is more relaxed. The shot of him is done quite closeup compared to other front covers that shoot celebrities from far away, this is showing how confident he is within his own skin that he doesn't mind readers seeing him up and close. The colour scheme for this front cover is quite plan. The writing and background sticks to a black, white and silver colour scheme, the mans 'hoodie' isn't part of the colour scheme as its the only part of the front cover that is orange, this is showing how he stands out from the crowd, he likes being different and not following the crowd as not many people wear such a striking colour. 

Textual analysis 1

Metal Hammer is a popular metal/rock magazine, it includes a variety of artists that are within the genre I am studying for my magazine. From the name of the magazine the font is very bold and it looks like the letters are made out of a metal such as iron. This gives the effect of being cold, hard to break. The chains being wrapped around the letters could show being trapped, possibly suppressing emotions to give out a hard exterior to keep u a reputation. A tattoo is also shown in part of the cover which could be showing how the person who has it isn't afraid to show who they are as they don't care what other people think. There is a picture of some sort of creature on the corner of the magazine which is trying to create the image this band 'isn't to be messed with' or possibly to reflect the emotions shown through their music. The monster is also being tied with restraints which its trying to get out of, the band are running towards this creature which shows them as having a 'bring it on' attitude as nothing scares or phases them. The facial expressions of each of the band members are showing they're angry. The whole background of the magazine cover is dark, this could be showing their emotions, how they feel, it also relates to their music genre as they perform dark music that lets out a lot of negative emotions. The angle they're photographed at; running ahead makes the reader wonder if they're running towards them, the whole cover of the magazine is meant to tell the reader Disturbed is a band to be feared.

Introduction and Aims

Introduction and Aims

For my magazine I have decided to stick to one sub-genre of music, classic rock. This is a popular genre that I feel I know most about as I have always looked up to the artists and grown up listening to them. Through research I feel there is only one main magazine that targets classic rock in particular which is the magazine ‘Classic Rock’ so I feel it would be good to try and venture into making a magazine similar to this which I hope will be just as successful. I am going to be aiming the magazine at age 16-40 years, this is because the bands I am going to be showing in the magazine are bands that will appeal to an older generations but younger generations also appreciate the genre of music, which makes the age range quite wide.  I will be aiming this magazine at both genders as I feel both males and females appreciate this genre of music and will want to purchase this magazine. My vision for the magazine is to have dark colours on the front, so that it stands out from other more colourful magazines, I want to stick to a strict colour scheme, so that it becomes part of what people look out for when they see my magazine, part of the magazines brand image. I am going to be aiming the magazine at all ethnicities as I feel ethnicities shouldn’t define what kind of music you’re expected to listen to, the magazine will be offering interviews and information from a range of different sounding rock bands so I feel it will appeal to most people, even if they only like one certain rock band. At the back of the magazine there will be a whole page that includes websites and dates on up and coming concerts so that people reading can easily find out when the bands that are of a classical rock genre are next playing as well as when new albums are being released. My socio economic model would be C2-DE, this is because my age range is 16-40 and because teenagers don’t have as much money the price will have to be made quite low in order for them to afford it, especially if they intend on getting a subscription, as the aim is to get regular purchases of the magazines from regular customers in order for the magazine to succeed. From my research, I can see there are a lot of bands I could include for my issue. For my magazine I have decided to call it, ‘That’s Rock!’ as it’s a simple name and tells people what the magazine is about before they even open it. The two artists I am planning to recreate for my double page will be; ‘Anthony Kiedis’ from Red Hot Chili Peppers and ‘Axl Rose’ from Guns ‘N’ Roses. For the first shot of ‘Anthony Kiedis’ I will be using the stage in the hall, which ‘Anthony Kiedis’ will be standing on, looking out to the crowd, I might put a dark sheet behind him to act as a background colour, that will go with the magazines colour scheme. For the second shot, it will be of ‘Axl Rose’ For this shot, it will be shot outside, having him in mid-walk and inside will have a page about what he’s doing with his life at the moment to keep readers up to date. For my double page layout, I will have bold fonts at the top, but normal fonts for the rest of the page. The colour scheme of the whole magazine will be black and white, this is because I think it relates to the image that goes with classic rock music and fits with what the majority of readers will prefer. 

Rock mindmap

This mind map shows the genre of music I will be making my music magazine on with some examples of bands in that genre. The mind map also shows my initial ideas for colour-schemes, celebrities I could possibly interview and names for the magazine.

Music Genre mindmap

This mind map shows a variety of genres and sub-genres that currently exist, I made this mind map to help me choose what kind of genre to focus my music magazine on.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Production schedule

Date due to start:
Date due to finish:
Production schedule for music magazine
Monday 17th Sept
Wednesday 19th Sept
Mind maps including; music genres and chosen genre to base the magazine on
Friday 21st Sept
Friday 21st Sept
Introduction and aims
Tuesday 25th September
Friday 28th September
Mood boards
Friday 28th September
Tuesday 9th October
Tuesday 2nd October
Tuesday 9th October
Questionnaire graphs and analysis
Friday 12th October
Friday 12th October
Development of preliminary task including screen grabs and reflections
Wednesday 17th October
Friday 19th October
Finished prelim pages and evaluation
Friday 5th October
Friday 19th October
5 textual analysis of music magazine covers
Thursday 27th September
Tuesday 2nd October
2 draft layouts of front cover, contents and double page spread
Friday 19th October
Friday 19th October
Screen grabs from front cover
Tuesday 13th November
Tuesday 13th November
Peer assessment of front cover, reflections on comments
Friday 23rd November
Tuesday 13th November
Screen grabs from front cover
Friday 9th November
Tuesday 13th November
Screen grabs from contents page
Tuesday 27th November
Tuesday 27th November
Peer assessments of contents page and reflections on comments
Friday 23rd November
Tuesday 27th November
Screen grabs from contents page
Tuesday 25th November
Tuesday 27th November
Screen grabs from double page spread
Monday 10th December
Tuesday 11th December
Peer assessment of double page spread and reflection on comments
Friday 7th December
Tuesday 11th December
Screen grabs from double page spread
Monday 10th December
Tuesday 11th December
Evaluation: Introduction
Question 1 Genre (podcast)
Question 2 Representation (prezi)
Question 3 Institution (PowerPoint)
Question 4 Audience (free choice)
Question 5 Audience (video)
Question 6 Technologies (YouTube tagging)
Question 7 Preliminary task (diagram)

Monday 7th January
Tuesday 8th January
Wednesday 9th January

4th January

5th January

6th January

7th January

7th January

6th January

6th January

Monday 21st January
17th December
17th December

17th December

7th January

7th January

14th January

14th January

14th January

14th January

Final version of front cover, contents page and double page spread
10th January
14th January